When a Veritext reporter asked an attorney if he wanted a copy…
The excerpt below was taken, with approval, from an email exchange between a Veritext reporter and attorney. Enjoy!
Oh my dear, Ms. P.:
Such wonderful news!
Yes, oh please! I have been waiting breathlessly to receive this. Oh yes, oh yes! I WILL TAKE A COPY! Glory Hallelujah! Was there ever any doubt in your mind?!
It was, as you well-know, such a magnificently thorough and imaginative deposition by Dr. C.L., J.D., Esquire. I quiver with pride and excitement to know it will be part of the “my papers” in “The J. Roston Alexander, J.D. Esquire Library”. Famous legal scholars from around the entire world are already clamoring for “research in residence” positions, grants, and scholarships from The John Roston Alexander, J.D., Esquire Library Foundation to study my legendary legal career.
And just wait until the legal world hears of the latest legal legerdemain of Dr. C.L., J.D., Esquire. All of us will be hard-pressed to find a more stimulating and innovative deposition than the one done by Dr. C.L., J.D., Esquire. It will surely go down in history as one of the greatest events in the annals of American Jurisprudence. And to think, “I was there.” And even you were there!
And the drama of it! The dramatic tension of the inspired interrogation of The Witness by Dr. C.L., J.D., Esquire, and her heart wrenching, and I tremble to say it, the articulate, but tragic, recitation of her story of pain and human pathos—I am overcome with emotion just thinking of it!
Ms. P., I will pay whatever the cost for you to have your own personal copy of the transcript for you to keep by your bedside as inspirational reading. I trust you feel the same great honor I feel having been witness to the genius of Dr. C.L., J.D., Esquire. I hope you will remember the small part I played in “the making of history” yesterday.
So yeah, I’ll take a copy.
I apologize for who I am. Of late, the world seems to me to be an ever more absurd place and aggravating place. 42 years of being a trial lawyer can warp a person’s view of things.,
Thank you so much and best regards,
Attorney for The Witness
Do you have a funny “on the job” story?
Send an email to courtreporter@veritext.com and, pending permission from parties involved, we’ll share!