Team Spotlight: Joe Grabowski
Joe Grabowski, RMR
Principal – Gore Brothers Reporting Co., A Veritext Company
Baltimore, MD
Team Spotlight, introducing Joe Grabowski!
1. When and how did you get into the court reporting profession?
n 1972 my Dad, a steelwork at Bethlehem Steel, told me to go ask my uncle, a business owner, and entrepreneur in his day, what I should do after high school. My uncle told me to become a court reporter. When I asked what that was, he said, “you go to school for a year and a half to learn how to write on this little machine and you’ll make $15,000/year.” When I think back on that, he could’ve said real estate development, construction, anything, even “plastics”, but he said to become a court reporter. To this day his children, my cousins, all say,” Why didn’t he tell me that?”
2. What do you enjoy most about this business?
As a court reporter, I enjoyed the constant learning experience that I was exposed to in all the different cases and depositions I covered, becoming close with many of those I worked with over the years, and traveling the world.
3. Most interesting depo you’ve taken or experience you’ve had?
Going to Poland with an attorney and interpreter from the Department of Justice to take statements of surviving workers at German concentration camps and going to see them, including Majdanek in Lublin.
4. Advice for someone considering a career in court reporting?
An excellent career with a lot of opportunities for work. Dedicate a lot of time for practice and you’ll be ready to work in about two years. Continue to get your certifications, especially in realtime reporting, and you’ll be set to cover the type of work you want to cover and make as much money as you want to make.
5. What do you love to do when you’re not working?
Traveling with my wife of 31 years, watching my three daughters, ages 30, 26 and 23, becoming the great ladies they’ve become, complete renovation of homes before moving in and then going on to the next one in 5-7 years, and playing golf with friends.